onsdag 12 januari 2011


This object, known as the "computer", is a tool to be used either for Good or for Evil. Studying is Good. Facebook is Evil. So is "blogging-just-to-have-an-excuse-not-to-study". Or rather, "blogging-just-to-pretend-to-have-an-excuse-not-to-study". Blogging is, after all, not that much of an excuse.

But then again: why make excuses? And to whom? Until I figure that out I might as well stop making them. Otherwise I will soon face the problem of having nowhere to put them. My room isn't that big. Actually, I would call this "planning ahead", which is generally considered a responsible way of living. Which makes me... well, responsible. Go figure.

But regarding Good and Evil, and me being here when I really should be... well, here, but definitely not doing what I'm currently doing... Dearest friends and random people: have no fear! I have yet to settle down in the shadows of the Dark Side. I just go there for tiny breaks and the occasional sightseeing. It's quite a big step from posting status updates on the Dark Side to actually joining it. Like, maybe I would (at least theoretically) scribble something on the wall of a public bathroom, but I assure you that I am far from calling it my home. (Though thinking about it, sizewise it probably wouldn't make much of a difference...)

And why, you might ask, am I writing this in English? Well, do I need an excuse? I told you, this is me being responsible.


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